
Showing posts from September, 2011

Bible Study Lessons 05

Lesson 05 Lesson Objectives 1. To learn the key points of the creation story in the Bible's first book, Genesis.    Lesson Outline I. Our Father Abraham a. Hebrews and Semites b. Priest of the Most High God c. 'Covenant in Your Flesh'                          d. Binding Isaac II. Age of the Patriarchs a. Jacob the Younger b. Joseph and Judah III. Study Questions for Lesson 05 I. Our Father Abraham                                  a. Hebrews and Semites From the good seed of humanity, the line of God's righteous, Shem's line, comes the first of the great patriarchs, "Abraham the Hebrew" (see Genesis 14:13). This is the first time the word "Hebrew" appears in the Bible and it's linked to the name of Eber, another son of Shem (see Genesis 10:21). This is why we refer to the chosen people the Hebrews. The descendants of Abraham are also known as "Shemites" or "Semites." Which is

Bible Study Lessons 04

Lesson 04 Lesson Objectives 1. To learn the key points of the creation story in the Bible's first book, Genesis. Lesson Outline I. East of Eden , Before the Flood a. Cain the Wicked b. Seth the Righteous c. Saved Through Water II. After the Flood a. Ham's Sin b. To Make a Name III. Study Questions for Lesson 04                                              I. East of Eden , Before the Flood                                           a. Cain the Wicked In our last lesson, we left our first family, Adam and Eve, on the outside of paradise looking in - exiled by their sin and disobedience, their failure to live up to the demands of God's covenant. The chapters that follow (see Genesis 4-5) show us the "fruits" of Adam and Eve's original sin: We see that human seed now is mixed between the good and evil. The tension between the two seeds - already prophesied by God in the garden (see Genesis 3:15) - shapes much o

Bible Study Lessons 03

Lesson 03 Lesson Objectives 1. To learn the key points of the creation story in the Bible's first book, Genesis .     Lesson Outline I. Review and Overview II. Man and Woman: The Original Image a. God's First-Born Son b. Father of a Priestly People III. Falling Down a. Figures and Riddles b. That Snake Adam Saw c. Scared Unto Death? d. Left Holding the Fruit IV. A Test of Love—Failed a. Sacrifice and Selfishness                       b. Death Threats   c. The Second Coming of Adam and Eve V. Study Questions for Lesson 03 I. Review and Overview We pick up this lesson where we left off in our last lesson: God had just finished creating the world. He started out with nothing and six "days" later He had fashioned, through His Word ("Let there be..."), a virtual " Temple " in which He would dwell with all that He created. On the seventh day, He made a "covenant" with th

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